Get your sport insurance quote !

Get your sport insurance quote !

<span>Option(s) </span>
Period of Coverage
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souscrire carte assurance neige SUBSCRIPTION CONFIRMATION AND PAYMENT

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personnes Person(s)
calendrier Option(s) 
Family icone
Mechanical / Aerial
période Period of Coverage
From To
Payer assurance CB Amount

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I have read the General conditions of the contract, valid as the Insurance wording, and I accept the terms and conditions. I confirm that all the written information that I typed is accurate. I have neither included nor omitted anything which could mislead the insurers of the present policy. Any false declaration could lead to the invalidity of the contract and / or to the reduction of the compensation, and will lead depending on the circumstances to the penalties under the articles L113-8 and L 113-9 of the insurance Code.

Assursport - Accueil Fast and Easy Sport Insurance

AssurSport is the sport insurance specialist in Europe(France, Italia, Swiss, Spain, Andorra).
( Leisure, non-federal competitions, families, off road/extreme sports)

Accidents are common when practicing sports; especially extreme sports and they can happen at any time even to the best of us.
Search and Rescue expensescan be difficult to afford and despite popular belief, these guarantees are either poorly covered or not covered at all by your different insurance policies.

We have developed custom designed guarantees that allow you to practice freely all types of sport activities and extreme sports.
With AssurSport it’s easier than ever to contact and report an accident and to experience immediate assistance, 24/7.

The benefits of the AssurSport insurance:

  • Accidental bodily injury coverage : Search and Rescue expenses, including helicopter, ambulance and hospitalization.
  • Warranties valid throughout the year for both winter and summer sports (for yearly product).
  • Ability to subscribe at any time, but always before the start of the activity.
  • Insurance Certificate available online.
  • Online subscription from one day to one year based on your needs, with family options (2 parents and 3 dependent children) or motorized and aerial sports options.
  • Medical expenses up to 1,500 €.

The cheapest daily sports insurance.
IPhone/Android Applications for any last minute insurance, anywhere, anytime.
An insurance contract secured by the n°1 in Assistance :
A 24/7 guaranteed sports insurance contract : The annual insurance card at 49.99 € covers winter sports, snow insurance (alpine skiing, cross country skiing, snowboarding, freeride skiing, backcountry skiing...) and summer sports (Mountain biking, DH, hiking, trekking, canyoning). It covers Aerial Sports (*), motorsports (*) and extreme sports.

AssurSport simplifies the Sport Insurance subscription. The quality of our products and services and the safety of our subscribers are our main concerns. AssurSport is the simple, cheaper and faster online sports insurance.

(*) Upon request to Assurmix.